- Student in couple and family therapy master program at McGill University (ending June 2022)
- Master in dramatherapy and Bachelor in psychopedagogy
- Dynamic, passionate, creative, great sense of the humor and leadership, independent, punctual, persevering, adaptive, empathic
- Teaching, supervising and faciliting trainings, workshops in Dramatherapy
- Good interpersonal abilities, work well with a team or individually
- Great experience in individual and group interpersonal relationship
- More than 15 years of experience working with vulnerable and marginalized population (children and adults)
- 10 years in Private Practice
- Work for 15 years in non-profit organisation
- Specialized with LGBTQ+ community
- Bilingual FR and EN
In Intervention…
Project manager and facilitator for the Youth program at the YWCA of Montreal
● Ma santé m’appartient: Facilitate prevention workshops around violence made towards girls in high school
● Mobilicampus: Prevention workshop with college women on the sexist and sexual violence in CEGEPS
● Take your lead: Creating a program using arts for girls from 9 to 12 years old living with Batshaw, youth and family centres
● Student’s supervision
● Grants searches and writings
● Team’s meeting
2010-2011 : psychosocial counsellor and facilitator of a painting workshop in a women’s shelter
2007-2008 : Educator for daycare and afterschool program (Montreal)
Summer 2009 : Specialized Drama and Music Animator in Magog .
● Specialized animator for people living with developmental disabilities, both physical and mental from ages 5 to 60. Also responsible for the creation and supervision of camp theme days and activities.
AS a Psychotherapist & Dramatherapist
2022: Clinic BACA ( eating disorder) as psychotherapist individual, couple and family
2022: Psychotherapist indivividual, couple and family at Centre thérapeutique Boréal
2021-2022: Stage at the Couple and Family Clinic at the Jewish General Hospital and the Couple and Family Therapy clinic at McGill
Since 2011 : Private practice for individual and groups, children, family and adults
● Short- and long-term intervention
● working mainly with queer community
● specialized with complex trauma
● LGBTQ+, and sexual/gender diversity issues
● alternative sexualities and non-traditional relationships
2022-2020: Therapist at the Montreal Therapy Center
· Working mainly with LGBTQ+
· CNM and BDSM/Kink practitioners
2020-2019: Therapist for REZO within the ARCS (Accès Rapide aux Consultations en Santé mentale) project
2020- 2014 : Dramatherapist and Coordinator of the psychosocial services at the Women’s centre of Montreal
● Recruiting, training and supervised of the volunteers of the psychosocial service
● Individual counselling in French and English
● Facilitator of the incest survivors group for women
● Writing monthly and annual report
● Participate at the monthly Participation at la table de concertation sur les agressions à caractère sexuel de Montréal
● Student’s supervision in Dramatherapy or Art Therapy
● Created creative arts projects called the Survivarts and aux Arts Citoyennes with the incest survivors group
2017: Dramatherapist for l’AQPAMM (association québecoise de parents et amis de la personne atteinte de maladie mentale)-
Since 2016 : Facilitator for Le bonne mine à la société Saint-Vincent de Paul (Montréal)
● Explore creatively the notion of persevering for primary and high school
Fall 2016 : Workshops for l’association de fybromyalgie de Saint-Jérôme
2014 : Contract for the non -profit organisation les Petites-Mains (employement integration for immigrant women)
● Small drama show created with them for the woman’s day
Été 2011 : Group therapy for Bordeaux males’prison (Montréal)
2010: Assistant Director of the play done by the Centre for the Arts in Human Development, Concordia University (Montreal).
● Helped create an environmental play with adults with developmental disabilities.
2010-2009: Dramatherapy Stage Placement at Tanguay, a provincial prison for women (Montreal)
2009-2008: Stage placement in Dramatherapy at the Centre for the Arts in Human Development.
● Assistant for music and dance therapy for adults with mental disabilities, as well as animate a group of 10 participants in dramatherapy.
2002-2001: Practicum at the Psychiatric Centre Sanatia (Belgium)
● Creation of theatre workshops for people with mental illness.
As a trainer and speaker
● Leader of the International Dvt summer school in New Haven
● Presenting Survivarts et the mental health week Symposium
● Dramatherapy Introduction workshop for the intensive summer school of Art Therapy with l’UQAT
● Plenary about the meaning of being a dramatherapist for the Mental Health week
● Plenary at Concordia 20th anniversary of the dramatherapy programm about being a dramatherapist in Québec
2017-2016: Trainer on creative games for TES and daycare educators
● Give tools for schools professionals to better work with students with learning and behavioral issues
Since 2016 : TrainerCo- Director for the Developmental Transformation ( DvT) Institute of Montreal
● Graduate from level 1 and 2 (
2017 :
● Presenting at the Developmental Transformation (DvT) conference in New York
● Presenting at the dramatherapy conference in Belgium
● Presenting workshop for cross-cultural, power and privileges for creative art therapies students at Concordia
● Presenting at the symposium if the creative art therapies on the project Survivarts created with the women from the incest survivors group
● Presenting at la conférence Théâtre et Prison à l’Université d’Ottawa
● Presenting at European DvT conference à Bristol (UK)
● Special guest and presenter in Paris for an intensive DvT workshop
2016-2014: Presenting a workshop on dramatherapy at l’UDEM for the certificate in mental health intervention
2015 Therapist and facilitator for the 1st European DvT School (Belgium)
2013 Presenting the project Art & Stories at UDEM students and at the METISS conference
2012 Presenting at the Gender, health and creative arts therapies conference
As a supervisor
Since 2018: Supervising second year students in the Dramatherapy master program at Concordia
Since 2016: Supervising Dvt practitioners in Canada, France, Taiwan and China
Since 2015: Supervising art and dramatherapists students at the women’s centre of Montreal
2022-2020: Master in couple and family Therapy
2022: Introduction to EFFT ( emotional focused therapy for family)
2019: Training in level 1 and 2 of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
2018: Introduction to Solution-Focused Brief Therapy for victim of trauma
2012 Introduction to the Impact therapy of Danie Beaulieu (Montréal)
2010-2008: Masters in Drama Therapy from Concordia University (Montréal)
● Research Project: From the meeting of the clown to the meeting of the self: An exploratory case study of a group of incarcerated women within drama therapy sessions.
2008-2002: Ongoing training in clown techniques. (Montréal and Belgium)
2002-1999: Bachelors in Psychopedagogy and Phsychomotricity (Belgium)
-Member of the OTSTCFQ ( couple and family order) and OPQ ( psychotherapy)
- Member of Ritma ( le Regroupement des Intervenants et Thérapeutes en Médecine Alternative et complémentaire ) which I can give receipts for in naturopathy
- Certified Member of The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA)
-National Association of Drama-Therapists of Canada and the United States of America (NADTA).
- Past-President of the Quebec Dramatherapy Chapter